Hello everyone! Welcome to Arduino Geek. Today we will discuss about an Arduino based Gesture control robot. So let's get started.
Gesture control robot using Arduino:
Creating a gesture control robot using Arduino is a fun project that involves programming, electronics, and robotics.
Gather the necessary materials:
- Arduino board (such as Arduino UNO or Arduino Mega)
- Motor driver (such as L293D)
- DC motors (depending on the size of your robot)
- Ultrasonic sensor (for obstacle detection)
- Bluetooth module (for connecting the robot to your phone)
- Breadboard and jumper wires
- Battery pack (for powering the motors)
How to make Gesture control robot:
Here are the steps to build a simple gesture control robot using Arduino:
Step 1:
Connect the motor driver to the Arduino board, and connect the DC motors to the motor driver. The L293D motor driver has four input pins - two for each motor. You'll need to connect the input pins to the Arduino board, and the output pins to the DC motors.
Step 2:
Connect the ultrasonic sensor to the Arduino board. The ultrasonic sensor has four pins - VCC, GND, TRIG, and ECHO. Connect VCC and GND to the Arduino's 5V and GND pins, and connect TRIG and ECHO to two digital pins on the Arduino board.
Step 3:
Connect the Bluetooth module to the Arduino board. The Bluetooth module has four pins - VCC, GND, TX, and RX. Connect VCC and GND to the Arduino's 5V and GND pins, and connect TX and RX to two digital pins on the Arduino board.
Step 4:
Upload the code to the Arduino board. You can use the Arduino IDE to write the code. The code should read the input from the ultrasonic sensor and the Bluetooth module, and control the motors accordingly. For example, if the ultrasonic sensor detects an obstacle, the robot should stop moving. If the Bluetooth module receives a specific command from your phone (such as "forward" or "turn left"), the robot should move in the corresponding direction.
Step 5:
Test the robot. Use your phone to send commands to the robot via Bluetooth, and check if the robot responds correctly. Also, test the obstacle detection feature by placing obstacles in front of the robot.
With these steps, you should be able to build a simple gesture control robot using Arduino. Of course, you can modify the design and code to suit your specific needs and preferences.
Arduino Code:
Here is some sample code to get you started:
#include <Servo.h>Servo myservo1;Servo myservo2;int distance;void setup() {myservo1.attach(9);myservo2.attach(10);pinMode(7, INPUT);Serial.begin(9600);}void loop() {distance = getDistance();if (distance < 30) {myservo1.write(90);myservo2.write(90);} else if (distance >= 30 && distance < 60) {myservo1.write(45);myservo2.write(135);} else if (distance >= 60) {myservo1.write(135);myservo2.write(45);}}int getDistance() {long duration, distance;digitalWrite(8, LOW);delayMicroseconds(2);digitalWrite(8, HIGH);delayMicroseconds(10);digitalWrite(8, LOW);duration = pulseIn(7, HIGH);distance = duration / 29 / 2;return distance;}
Arduino Code Description:
In this code, the ultrasonic sensor is connected to pins 7 and 8, and the two servo motors are connected to pins 9 and 10. The code reads the distance from the ultrasonic sensor and then controls the movement of the servo motors based on the distance.